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Featured Artist:

Furious Pete, New World Record

Furious Pete

Furious Pete, (Peter Czerwinski), ate his way to a New World Record at the Parliamentary Pub in Ottawa, Canada. In six minutes he ate enough pulled-pork to break the previous world record listed in the Guinness Book of World Records. A holder of many food eating records, Furious Pete takes on all challengers when eating at an event. "I'm normally a nice guy by day", he said, "but when you put food in front of me...I turn furious". NOTE:...These kind of records are extremely dangerous and should not be attempted at anytime.

Ottawa RibFest

Ottawa Ribfest is an annual event hosted by the Sparks Street Mall in downtown Ottawa. Each year teams compete for the "Big Belt" title for cooking up the best Ribs, Chicken, Sauce and Pulled Pork patrons can eat. This year organizers also brought in competitive eater Furious Pete to kick off the festival which started June 19th and ran to June 23rd 2013. Furious Pete broke the previous world record of eating pulled-pork and set a new meat eating world record.


Video recorded June 19th 2013 at the Parliamentary Pub, Ottawa, Canada.

For more information on Furious Pete visit his official website at: Furious Pete

Visit Sparks Street Mall at: Sparks Street Mall

Visit Guinness Book of World Records at: Guinness World Records

Parliamentary Pub


New World Record